Wood - especially wood from certified sources - ticks all the boxes with regard to being a future-proof building material. Moreover, the use of sustainably produced wood helps protect and preserve forests worldwide. But major efforts are needed to increase sustainability in the construction sector with regard to climate change and the circular economy. Thanks to a subsidy from the EC’s LIFE programme, FSC® Netherlands now has a unique opportunity to promote the responsible use of wood through its project ‘Wood in Social Housing Construction’.
A wide range of activities
FSC® Netherlands launched the project in September with the objective of encouraging the use of timber-frame construction for social housing. The project involves a wide range of activities, one of which is increasing knowledge of timber-frame construction among contracting parties such as housing corporations, but also in architecture faculties. Tools have also been developed with which to better illustrate the advantages of timber-frame construction with regard to costs and climate effects. Due to run for five years, the project is intended to result in wood being used for 15% of social housing construction in the Netherlands by 2026. This ambitious plan sees wood becoming the most logical option for general homebuilding, a reverse of the current situation in which timber-frame construction is mainly reserved for prestigious projects and luxury private homes. As a producer and supplier of both prefab elements for timber-frame construction and circular decking and cladding systems, we wholeheartedly embrace this project.
Cooperation with the sector
Strong links with parties active in the sector will be an essential part of the project’s success. To help forge these links, nine housing corporations will share both their expertise and their requirements, thus helping the commissioning parties in the social housing sector to prepare for the transition to wood construction. Leading names from the construction sector, such as TBI Woonlab and Lister Buildings, will also be closely involved. Apart from these innovative companies, Delft University of Technology and Centrum Hout will draw on their wealth of expertise to offer valuable contributions to this major project.